Guy Thompson
Hi, I’m a production designer based in London. I specialise in designing spaces and worlds for film, television, advertising and music. I have a passion for art, film, travel and architecture and trained in Fine Art in London and Barcelona.

I’ve designed several award-winning and shortlisted films including...
Sundance Film Festival 2024 - World Cinema Dramatic Competition
BFI London Film Festival 2023 - Best Director Debut Competition
Winner - Best Short Film Kingston IFF 2023
Nomination - Best Short Doc at the 91st Academy Awards
Winner - Best Short Doc Sheffield Doc Fest.
Official Selection BFI LFF 2019
Winner - Best Short Doc Grierson Awards
Editors Pick Nowness
Official Selection BFI LFF
Sebastian Films Co.
Sundance Film Festival 2024 - World Cinema Dramatic CompetitionIN CAMERA
Prettybird & Public Dreams
BFI London Film Festival 2023 - Best Director Debut Competition
Wade Productions
Winner - Best Short Film Kingston IFF 2023
Nomination - Best Short Doc at the 91st Academy AwardsWinner - Best Short Doc Sheffield Doc Fest.
Official Selection BFI LFF 2019
Pulse Films
Winner - Best Short Doc Grierson Awards
Editors Pick Nowness
Ed Watts Films
Official Selection BFI LFFCurriculum Vitae
Feature Film
Sebastian // Sebastian Films Ltd. // Dir. Mikko MakelaIn Camera // Public Dreams and Prettybird // Dir. Naqqash Khalid
Better Man - Supervising Art Director UK // Better Man Productions and Partizan // Dir. Michael Gracey
The Mystery of DB Cooper // Minnow Films // Dir. John Dower
The Complex // Black and Red Films // Dir. Paul Rashid
Tell Me Who I Am // Netflix and Lightbox // Dir. Ed Perkins - BFI LFF 2019
Cheaters 2 // Clerkenwel Films // Dir. Elliot HegartyMan V Bee - Additional Photography // Netflix // Dir. David Kerr
Top Boy 2 - Associate Production Designer // Cowboy Films // Dir. Brady Hood
Living in Fear - pilot // Eleven Films // Dir. Rob Savage
Short Films
A Moral Man // Wade Productions // Dir. Wade BrothersBlack Sheep // Lightbox // Dir. Ed Perkins - Oscar Nominated 2019
Landline // Pulse Films // Dir. Matt Houghton - Grierson Winner 2019
Diversish // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
Deathtrap Dungeon // Red and Black Films // Dir. Paul Rashid
Whenever You’re Ready // Blink // Dir. Craig Ainsley
Gutterpunks // DDA // Dir. Luke Arnold
Oksijan // Edward Watts Films // Dir. Edward Watts
Division of Gravity // Stink // Dir. Rob Chiu
I’m A Celebrity // Blink // Dir. Big Red ButtonHSBC // Blink // Dir. Big Red Button
Walkers // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
HSBC // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
Vodafone // Hogath // Dir. Miika Vaso
McDonald’s // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
John Frieda // Rankin // Vicky Lawton
Sky // OB Management // Miika Vaso
Adidas // Outsider // Dir. Billy Polls
VW // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
Cadbury // Outsider // Dir. James Rouse
Specsavers // Specsavers // Lenny Lenfestey
Femfresh // Once Upon A Film // Dir. Carly Cussen
Pertemps // OB Management // Dir. Alex Southam
Nike // Man Vs. Machine // Dir. Man Vs. Machine
Take 5 // Outsider // Dir. Henry Littlechild
Jaguar // RSA // Dir. James Bryce
Heineken - “Open Your World” // RSA // Dir. Toby Dye
Rolls Royce - “Home of Rolls Royce” // RSA // Dir. Tom Hingston
Foxy Bingo - “Heather Graham” // Duke // Dir. Mark Howard
Mentos - “Mentors” // Independent // Dir. Matt Pollack
Ariel - “Redefine Clean” // Independent // Dir. Matt Pollack
Mentos - “Mentos Say Hello” // Independent // Dir. Matt Pollack
Tesco - “Unexpected Guests” // Black Sheep // Dir. David Stoddart
Kellogg's - “Blank Canvas” // Little Fish Films // Dir. Gus Filgate
McDonald's - “Food Sequence” // Little Fish Films // Dir. Gus Filgate
McDonalds - “Live Bold” // Little Fish Films // Dir. Gus Filgate
Morrisons - “Text Santa” // OB Management // Dir. Frank Borin
Galaxy - “Ribbon” // Passion Raw // Dir. John Tuner
Suzuki - “Idents” // Partizan // Dir. Bo Missouri
Rightmove - “Find Your Happy” // Partizan // Dir. Michael Williams - “Love Island” // The Story Lab // Dir. Sasha Nathwani
Doritos - “Doritos Firewalk” // Familia // Dir. Francis Wallis
Yollies - “Yollies TVC” // The Story Lab // Dir. Lotte Elwell
Durex - “Real Feel” // Partizan // Dir. Golden Wolf
Kenco - “Millincano” // The Sweet Shop // Dir. Alex Brown
Axe - “Butts” // Black Sheep // Dir. Colin Tilley
Lelo - “Hex Changes Everything” // Alpha Century // Dir. Oscar Hudson
Forevermark - “Exceptional Diamonds” // Armoury // Dir. Jack Laurence
02 - “02 Business Bedtime Stories” // Guts and Glory Films // Dir. Dan Storey
eBay - “Santas Sidekicks” // Guts and Glory Films // Dir. Francis Wallis
Land Rover - “In the Name of Adventure” // Armoury // Dir. Jack Laurence
Alien Audible - “Out of The Shadows” // OB Management // Dir. Glenn Paton
Diageo - “When Coffee Met Baileys” // Indy8 // Dir. Edward Housden
OVO Energy - “J2269 OVO” // Scorch London // Dir. Steve Jay
Carling - “The Guv’Nor” // Guts and Glory Films // Dir. Dan Storey
Macmillan - “Macmillan Legacy” // Jack Film // Dir. Jack Laurence
Bion - “Project Me” // Guts and Glory Films // Dir. Dan Storey
Warner Brothers - “Fantastic Beasts Competition” // Alpha Century // Dir. Giles Smith
Amazon - “Mobile App” // Plastic Pictures // Dir. Ben Fennell
BBC - “Terrific Science, Bottle Rocket” // Praxima // Dir. Simon Frost & Ben Hanson
Thoughtful - “Fantastic Bottom & Prosecco Princess” // OB Management // Dir. Anna Carpen
Cadbury’s - “Flavours” // Nice & Polite // Dir. Chris Hugall
VW Passat - “Side Scan” // MLF // Dir. Barney Steel
Sadia - “Jamie Oliver” // Burger // Dir. Felipe Mansur
BBC Children In Need // Red Bee Media // Dir. Stephen Pipe
VISA - “Cross Border” // Mad Cow Films // Dir. Nick Taylor
Estée Lauder - “Double Wear - Double Confidence” // Drum // Dir. John Pereira
Tuc - “ Break” // Mad Cow Films // Dir. David Popescu
Music Videos
Rita Ora - “Let You Love Me” // Pretty Bird // Dir. Malia JamesSabrina Carpenter ft. Jonas Blue - “Alien” // Once Upon A Film // Dir. Carly Cussen
George Ezra - “Shotgun” // Kode Media // Dir. Rob Brandon
Cheryl Cole - “Crazy Sutpid Love” // OB Management // Dir. Colin Tilley
Neon Jungle - “Louder” // Luti Media // Dir. Colin Tilley
Little Mix - “Salute” // Luti Media // Dir. Colin Tilley
The 1975 - “Change of Heart” // Parole // Dir. Tim Mattia
The 1975 - “The Sound” // OB Management // Dir. Tim Mattia
Calvin Harris - “Blame” // OB Management // Dir. Emil Nava
Nathan Sykes - “Kiss Me Quick” // OB Management // Dir. Emil Nava
Tom Odell - “Somehow, Concrete” // Somesuch // Dir. George Belfield
Biffy Clyro - “Animal” // London Alley // Dir. Tim Mattia
Mumford and Sons - “Ditmas” // OB Management // Dir. Alex Southam
Netsky - “Running Low” // Rogue // Dir. Alex Southam
Hozier - “Someone New” // OB Management // Antony Byrne
Rumer - “Dangerous” // OB Management // Antony Byrne
Kodaline - “The One” // OB Management // Dir. Alex Southam
The Charlatans - “Come Home Baby” // Canada // Dir. Dario Pena
Rae Morris - “Under The Shadows” // OB Management // Dir. Alex Southam
Clean Bandit - “Stronger” // OB Management // Dir. Jack Patterson
Scouting for Girls - “Without You” // Generator Films // Courtney Phillips
Pauli - “I Don’t Care” // Iconoclast // Dir. Rohan Blair-Mangat
Circa Waves - “Tshirt Weather” // Burning Reel // Dir. Charles De Meyer
Magalie - “Love Criminal” // Passion Raw // Dir. John Turner
Everything Everything - “Don’t Try” // Urchin // Dir. Jon Higgs
Pet Shop Boys - “Elextric Tour 2013” // The Third Co. // Luke Hals
Sigur Ros “SR Content 2013” // The Third Co. // Sarah Hopper
Ladyhawke - “Sunday Drive” // The Bank // Dir. Mat O’Brien
Andimal Kingdom - “Strange Attractor” // Saloon Films // Dir. Ben Strebel
The Whip - “Movement” // Block FIlms // Dir. Dave Aspinall
Kano - “More Than One Way” // Between The Eyes // Dir. Emil Nava
Kate Bond - “New Man” // Between The Eyes // Dir. Emil Nava
Walkin On Cars - “Catch Me if You Can” // Armoury // Dir. Jack Laurence
Fryars - “On Your Own” // Partizan // Dir. Oliver Grolux